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This interface allows cross-project event management; for project-specific events, see HMI » Events.

Events are scheduled changes to tags that support writability; they can be interacted with in two interfaces:

  • Event viewer
  • Event scheduler

Event Viewer

Displays active events in two panes and provides event management tools.

Event list

Collapsible list of projects where the user has access to events, with a Filter field atop for convenience.

Check a project on the list to show its events in the calendar to the right. Expand (►) a project to reveal its events with names and status indicators:

  • Ongoing
    Event in progress at the moment.
  • Event name
    If crossed out, the event has been completed and is not a repeated event.

Click on an event to highlight it (including all past and upcoming occurrences) on the calendar. Highlighted events have box shadow and filled background for better visibility.

Hover over an event to reveal event management tools:

  • Edit  Edit
    Opens the Event Scheduler for the event.
  • Delete  Delete
    Irreversibly deletes the event and all of its upcoming occurrences (confirmation required).

Event calendar

Calendar of events from the selected projects, with each event occurrence represented as a tile. The following view and navigation controls are available:

  • Browser timezone / Project timezone
    Selects displayed time of events; see Projects » Preferences » HMI for project timezone selection.
  • < >
    Navigate the calendar one view1 backward or forward, respectively.
  • Today
    Jumps to the current day in the selected view.

Calendar views are bound to a specific calendar period:

  • day
    Shows a daily planner view of events, highlighted if the shown day is today. The red line across the view indicates the current time. Week number is shown atop as W {n}.
  • week
    Shows a weekly planner view of events, highlighting the current day and time if visible. Week number is shown atop as W {n}.

In daily and weekly view, each event tile shows the start and end time of the event.

  • month (default)
    Shows a monthly grid view of events, highlighting the current day if visible. Each row corresponds to a week and shows its number as W{n}.

In monthly view, each event tile shows the start time of the event, the name of the project it belongs to, and the name of the event itself.

  • list
    Lists events scheduled or having occurred throughout a week, with grouping by day. Week number is not shown.

In list view, each event tile shows the project name and the event time. Start and end time is indicated to the left ot the tile.

In all views, each event tile also has the Delete  Delete button, which irreversibly deletes the event and all of its upcoming occurrences (confirmation required).

Tile color matches that of the project on the list. Coloring is applied as follows:

  • Enabled or highlighted events have fully colored tiles.
  • Only borders are colored for disabled events that are not highlighted.

Event Scheduler

Creating or editing an event under any project requires Operator access to the project's HMI.

Event scheduler is opened when creating a new event:

  • Create Event  Create
    Only visible when hovering over a project on the list; creates a new event under that project.
  • Create Event  Create Event
    Located above the calendar; creates a new event from scratch.
  • Click anywhere outside an existing event tile in day, week, or month view to create an event with a non-default date, see Repeat Type.
Alternatively, an existing event can be edited in the scheduler by clicking on its tile in the calendar or on Edit  Edit in the list.

The scheduler is a step-by-step dialog:

Select project

Collapsible list of projects (grouped by category) where the user has access to events, with a Filter field for convenience. Select a project where the new event will be created and click on NEXT.

This step is not available when editing an existing event or creating a new one under a listed project.

Configure Event

Presents event metadata:

  • Name
    Name of the event as shown in the Event Viewer and under HMI » Events.
  • Description
    Event description.
  • Enabled
    If checked, the event will run as configured; else, the event will be shown in the Event Viewer but will not be executed.
  • Priority (integer)
    In case of two or more conflicting events, executes the highest-priority event. Accepts values from 0 (default) to 65536. See Table 1 below for more details.
Time relation Priority relation Will execute?
Starts at the same time Higher Yes
Lower No
Starts later Higher Yes; interrupts the low-priority event.
Lower No; will not execute when the high-priority event ends.

Table 1. Event priorities explained

Dropdown menu under Name selects the event type:

  • Tag value
    Cloud-executed event; writes specified value to the specified tag at the specified time, read further for details.
  • Time based
    Device-executed event. The Cloud will list the event and show it on the calendar; however, it will not manipulate the tags attached to the event. The intended use is to track the events that device logic runs independently.

Since time-based events are not Cloud-run, their priority does not have any effect. Note as well that the event type cannot be changed when editing an existing event.

Event type determines further parameters. For Time Based events, proceed to the next step. For Tag value events, two more parameters are available at this step:

Repeat Type

Determines whether the event is repeated or not, with the following options:

  • No Repeat
    The event runs once on the date specified below as From: and To: The default date is the current day and cannot be changed here. To schedule an event for a different date, create an event by clicking on the desired date in the calendar view.
  • Every Week
    The event runs every day selected on the bar below. By default, all days are selected. Event execution starts from the day of creation.
  • Every Month
    The event runs once a month on the day selected in the dropdown below (Starts from {day} day of month).
  • Every Year
    The event runs once a year on the date selected in the two dropdowns below (Starts from {day} day of {month}).

Use preferences exceptions

Check to cause the event scheduler to skip certain dates. Click on Select dates to pick a date when the event should not be executed even if scheduled so. Exception dates will appear as flairs below. Click on × in the flair to remove the date.

Once all parameters have been configured, click NEXT to proceed to the next step:

Select tag

Tag Selector interface for the target tag.

If the event type is Tag value, the target tag must support writability, although it does not necessarily have to be user-writable. Selecting a tag that does not meet the requirements will cause an error.

Time based events are not subject to this restriction and can be used with any tag or without any tag at all.

Once a suitable tag has been selected, click NEXT to proceed to the last step:

Configure time and values

The last step has different sets of parameters depending on the event type.

For Tag value events:

  • Start Schedule
    Writes the Value to the target tag at the specified Hours and Minutes.
  • End Schedule
    Writes the Value to the target tag at the specified Hours and Minutes`.

For Time based events:

  • Weekly bar atop selects the days of the week when the event will show on the calendar;
  • Start
    Specifies the event start time by either of the two methods:
    • Hours and Minutes provide a static starting point;
    • Tag is a Tag Selector pointing to a tag whose value will convert to start time.
  • End
    Specifies the event end time by either of the two methods:
    • Hours and Minutes provide a static ending point;
    • Tag is a Tag Selector pointing to a tag whose value will convert to end time.

If tags are provided, static values (Hours and Minutes) are ignored. The provided tags must have identical data type, which may not be boolean

  • Conversion format
    Specifies how the selected tags’ output converts into time:
    • HHMM × each tag must return a 4-digit integer, where the first two digits convert into hours and the last two digits convert into minutes.
    • HH.M × each tag must return a 2-digit float, which converts into hours, with a singe decimal place whose value converts into minutes.
    • HH.MM × each tag must return a 2-digit float, which converts into hours, with two decimal places, which convert into minutes.

Once time (and values) have been configured, click FINISH to save the event.

The event scheduler has up to four transition shortcuts, with the following special considerations:

  • NEXT proceeds to the next step of the scheduler and is not available at the last step.
  • PREV returns to the previous step. It is not available at the first step (Select project or Configure Event, depending on how the scheduler was opened).
  • FINISH saves the event and closes the scheduler. Although available at any step, it will not have effect when creating a new event until all steps have been duly completed.
  • CANCEL closes the scheduler at any step without saving the changes.

Event Example

Consider the situation:

  • An office works 9 to 5 on weekdays.
  • It is winter, and the upcoming holidays are December 24 through 26, 31.
  • The office has an HVAC system with a setpoint for indoor temperature; the setpoint is read from the tag Office/temperature/indoor-setpoint.
  • Office staff is comfortable at +20 ºC; however, maintaining this temperature is costly.
  • With the heating off, the office cools down to +13 ºC. Reaching +20 ºC across the indoor space takes ~30 minutes.

To address the situation:

  1. Create a Tag value event.
    • Set the Repeat Type to Every Week and select all days on the bar except Sat, Sun.
    • Check Use preferences exceptions and add the dates: 24.12.20XX, 25.12.20XX, 26.12.XXXX, 31.12.20XX.
  2. Choose Office/temperature/indoor-setpoint as the target tag.
  3. Configure the schedule:
    • Start Schedule8 Hours 30 Minutes, Value: 20;
    • End Schedule17 Hours 00 Minutes, Value: 13.

This will raise the indoor temperature setpoint to 20 ºC at sufficient time before the office space opens and will lower it back to the

This event will on all weekdays except the provided exception dates change the temperature setpoint to 20 degrees half an hour before the office hours begin, and change it to a lower value of 13 degrees when the office hours end, in order to save on heating.

  1. For instance, if the selected view is month, navigation buttons jump between months.