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Introduction to Page Editor

Page Editor contains tools to draw objects such as camera objects, text objects, state indicators, animated objects, group object templates, etc. Click on Create new page  Create new page to start editing a new page. Scroll to zoom in and out of the page. Left-click while holding Space Bar to move around on the page.

IDE Interface Elements

Page Editor UI
Toggle to show/hide interface elements. Click on an element to go to its section.

The IDE consists of mainly three important areas.

  1. Menu bar is on the left side
  2. Context Menu on the top
  3. Options and attributes on the left side

Left Menu Bar

The Left Menu Bar is always the same. It contains all the tools and objects needed to do the design of the page. Some buttons only have one object such as the image button. Other buttons may contain more objects and have a small arrow to indicate this.

The icon in the bottom is to open the layers. In layers you can search for objects, show and hide objects and set expressions for when they should be visible.

Context menu

The Context Menu is where you give the page its name, search for objects and edit zoom percentage. The Page Name can be added in multiple languages. Page Names

Fig. 1. Page Names

Options and attributes

The Options and attributes are properties that change depending on what type of object gets selected. Binding tags, alarms and other attributes to an object is done on the right menu.

Important functions such as Automation Bindings, On Change Attributes, Set point deviation are edited here.