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This section comprises two parts represented as tabs in the left pane:

Alarm Log

Records of alarm activation / deactivation events and user actions taken in the Alarms interface. Each line of the log summarizes the alarm event and contains the source name, type of the alarm-related action, time of the occurrence and other information.

Audit Log

Keeps track of the following:

  • Logins and logouts
  • Tag value updates
  • Comments and their edits

By default, the display uses the time zone configured in the Personal Cloud Profile; if not specified there, time zone configuration is adopted from the project’s Preferences. If neither is specified, the browser’s time zone is used.


Downloads the event log as a .csv file. Note that the Audit Log and the Alarm Log nare downloaded as separate files.

The log contains the information about the event, which can tell you who performed the action, what action it was, and what time it happened. Also, you can find out what object was the action target, whether it has been successful and what comment has been left. The log keeps initial and final tag values for operations of tag value changing.

The User column contains user email and the component involved: Cloud, Local, or Mobile. Alternatively, the system will log the IP address that the action was run from if the component could not be identified.

Filtering and searching

Different filters are available in the left pane to facilitate search. Both logs support filtering by action type, user, time, status and comments; however, some filters are log-specific:

  • Alarm Log: filtering by priority and category;
  • Audit Log: target filter.

The following filters have subfiltering options:

  • Action Type
  • Time
  • Status
  • Priority

Other filters require entering a search query; for instance, search can be performed by user email or by tag name. Note that the latter requires a full tag path.

Query fields support use of asterisks as wildcards. Query string beginning with an * will return items that end with that string, and vice-a-vera. Query syntax also has limited support for logical connectives:

Logical Syntax Example
Conjunction and or & team* and *.com will return users whose login starts with team and ends with .com. Note that a conjunctive query will only return items that match BOTH subqueries simultaneously.
Disjunction or or | or + folder1/tag1 + folder1/tag2 will return tags that match either subquery but not necessarily both of them.
Negation not or ! or - ! team@EnergyMachines.com in the Users field will return all users bar those matching team@EnergyMachines.com.

When entering a string, open and close it with the same quotation mark: either single or double. Use of either character will turn the alternative quotation mark into a literal. Thus, you can use double quotation marks within a string if that string is delimited with single quotations, and vice-a-versa:

"hello 'world'"

Returns hello 'world'.

'hello "world"'

Returns hello "world".

All queries are case-sensitive.