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This interface is limited to a single project. For cross-project event management, see Portal » Events.

Events are scheduled changes to tags that support writability. HMI Event interface consists of two parts:

Event list

List of events under the project, with a Search field atop and status indicators:

  • Ongoing
    Event in progress at the moment.
  • Event name
    If crossed out, the event has been completed and is not a repeated event.

Click on a listed event to reveal the management tools:

  •  Delete
    Irreversibly deletes the event and all of its upcoming occurrences (confirmation required).
  •  Edit
    Opens the event in the Event Scheduler.

As of July 2024, HMI is not able to correctly schedule events; updates are on the way. We recommend scheduling events on the Portal instead.

Event calendar

Calendar of events from the selected projects, with each event occurrence represented as a tile. The following view and navigation controls are available:

  • Calendar time-zone
    Toggles the displayed time of events between project timezone and user timezone.
  • < >
    Navigate the calendar one view1 backward or forward, respectively.
  • Today
    Jumps to the current day in the selected view.

Calendar views are bound to a specific calendar period:

  • day
    Shows a daily planner view of events, highlighted if the shown day is today. The red line across the view indicates the current time. Week number is shown atop as W {n}.
  • week
    Shows a weekly planner view of events, highlighting the current day and time if visible. Week number is shown atop as W {n}.

In daily and weekly view, each event tile shows the start and end time of the event.

  • month (default)
    Shows a monthly grid view of events, highlighting the current day if visible. Each row corresponds to a week and shows its number as W{n}.

In monthly view, each event tile shows the start time of the event.

  • list
    Lists events scheduled or having occurred throughout a week, with grouping by day. Week number is not shown.

In list view, start and end time is indicated to the left ot the tile.

In all views, each event tile shows event name followed by the  Delete button, which irreversibly deletes the event and all of its upcoming occurrences (confirmation required).
  1. For instance, if the selected view is month, navigation buttons jump between months.