Welcome to our sleek new Dark Mode! 🌙
We’re trying to be fashionable. This is our new black (almost). Traditional documentation can be strenuous to read in a dark environment.
Well, not anymore
While this is work in progress, effort is being made to bring updated, tasteful dark colors to all content of these docs. Energy Machines Cloud™ has offered a dark theme for a while now…
... documentation will follow suit.
Theme will adapt to your system’s preferences; should you change your mind, the button you clicked to open this page will serve as the switch between modes.
# people say even code is easier to read in dark mode
class Theme < SomeLib::SomeClass
def make_cool(documentation)
unless documentation['theme'] == 'dark'
documentation['theme'] == 'dark'
It’s a lot of work still
Theme-matching screenshots of the Cloud UI. Contrasting icons. Callout colors that are visible but not distracting. We still have work to do.
Not all variables will change. After all, some colors are great either way. FOR EXAMPLE
The headword in this tooltip looks great in either mode.
Callouts should be easily discernible in either mode.
Some callouts might have excessive contrast now. We’ll fix that.
Feedback is welcome
As always, we’ll appreciate your suggestions. If you want to comment on the dark mode, do not hesitate to use the feedback button in the lower right corner of this page. For now, let’s take you back to the light side.